
Pergh... bleh buat simple model (polygons) & path pki google earth (patut xbleh, sebab feature2 tu kne bli sbnr nyer :D), tp da bleh buat sndri, xyh bli (long live FOSS) ngahahaha

nak buat path [link]
nk bt polygon [link]

anyway, sample data da di-upload dan bleh view kat google map (kejap je kot available, kot2 ada tindakan undang2 ke plak nnt, msk.. tp tgk la cmne, slagi bleh, aku up kn aje)

ah, pape pon google map ni mmg best dan enjoy nk buat

logging off....

Google Earth

Arini aku da siapkn laluan2 tren dalam KL ni pki Google Earth :
- Monorel
- Komuter (tak lengkap sebab ada yang luar KL)

tp yg ada skang stesen je la, die punya actual laluan blum lg, pnt tu kalo nk plot sebijik2 ikut trek die (unless ada sape2 nk tlg la kn :D)

aku bleh publish KML die, tp mcm ada security risk je...
xpe, no hal kot hahahaha...

Test-Driven Development

TDD rupe nye, br la aku dpt cr info psl test-driven development nih XD
Dah dgr lm, tp bl nk google je, kua tah pape sbb query salah.

sedikit info:
- tdd = test driven development
- mkne nye software development based on a series of test
- konfem software kne modular, br bleh test... kalo x, msk aa nk tggu siap br test :D
- tulis satu test unit yg invoke module kte, dan run. kalo xde error bgs (that's the whole point), ada error refactor (tulis blk module tu, nm je ln)
- java = JUnit, ln2 tu search sendri
- link blog kat bwh ni mcm best, g je

Martin Fowler Interview
TDD blog (melayu)

Directed Graph - Map Database

Data Structure Project : Jonathan Brown [link]
JGraphT [link]
3 Fastest/Shortest Path Algorithm on Real Road Network [link]
OpenJGraph [link]
Google search : java directed graph

links to resource on making a representation of Malaysia Road Network using java [the language I use most, dont wanna learn another language :D]


Sky in the Room [link]
Using JS to manipulate XML [link]
JTidy [link]
Google search:map database design [link]
Python errors & exception [link]
Google Map API [link]

Software Wars

Something I found on the : Software Wars

Microsoft [Windows maker] vs FOSS [Free & Open Source Software]


java usb [link link]
webapp java [link]
xul book [link]
tomcat SOAP [link]

sebab2 aku main sim city 4 (walaupun die game lm)

1. Walaupun xde specific target, tp kte bleh wat sndri target (contoh: nk population 100K, dpt sume reward etc)
2. Bleh buat building sendri (klcc pon ada)
3. Ada gak terpk nk buat map pki sc4 nih, tp mmg byk mnde nk kne bt (kire peringkat draf lg la).
4. sc4 digunekan utk actual city development ( more on reference actually - link/pautan)

site famous : simtropolis