of .FLV to .AVI

1. download ffmpeg [site1][site2]
2. unzip to somewhere (c:\WINDOWS)
3. open an FLV file (with vlc or whatever)
4. now, open an explorer window (e.g My Documents)
5. Menu Toolbar | Tools | Folder Options...
6. File Types | FLV | Advanced | New
7. Action:
to AVI
8. Application used to perform action:
ffmpeg -i %1 rename.avi
9. click OK until the end..
10. it should work

jython snippet 01

List current directory content

from java.io import *
import os

# adapted from Java Almanac
currentDirectory = File(os.path.abspath(""))
li = dir.listFiles()

# pretty printing
for i in li: print i

dir.listFiles() will return an array (for the java engine).
Apparently you can treat an array as list, cool :lol:

p/s: yet to implement the filter as in the Java Almanac example.

A little googling results in (modified from Python Cookbook):

from import import io
class ff(io.FilenameFilter):
def accept(self, dir, name):
if name.lower()[-4:] == jar: return 1

L = io.File(os.path.abspath("")).list(ff())