of Plasma Converter, Spore, Sonic Boom


Macam mana nak tukarkan sampah-sarap kepada tenaga? Bakar :lol:
Tapi memang tu la caranya, tukarkan sampah kepada plasma (bukan plasma TV, tapi rasanya bahan yang sama), dan kemudian disejukkan sehingga menjadi seperti kaca.

Hanya menggunakan sedikit tenaga (untuk memulakan enjinnya), kemudian ia akan terus berfungsi walaupan 'black-out'.

Hanya dengan ketinggian 4.5 meter (hampir dua tingkat) dan berharga USD250 juta (RM 1billion), Plasma Converter ciptaan Joseph Longo mampu memproses 2000 tan sampah sehari (lebih kurang sejuta pengguna/manusia sehari).

Mungkin kita mampu menghasilkan sesuatu yang lebih murah?

Will Wright's Spore

Spore adalah sebuah game yang boleh dikatakan kesinambungan daripada The Sims & Sim City. Ia bukan setakat mengawal manusia atau bandar, tetapi mengawal dari peringkat sel sehinggalah mengawal Sistem Suria (atau galaksi, atau yang lebih besar dari tu...)

Ia dipertontonkan sejak 3 tahun lepas, dan telah mendapat perhatian kerana tiga sebab:
1. Ia ciptaan Will Wright
2. Ia ciptaan Will Wright
3. Ia ciptaan Will Wright
akan tetapi, apa yang lebih menarik adalah game ini dikatakan tidak akan memberatkan PC (ya, memang 3D, lihat galeri ini) dan fail2 gamenya tidak melebihi 1MB dan boleh dikatakan MMORPG (dunia dihasilkan dari ciptaan pemain2 lain dari internet), namun ia masih boleh dimainkan secara offline.

Concorde without the BOOM

Pesawat Concorde telah pun ditamatkan perkhidmatannya pada 2003, berikutan insiden di Perancis. Concorde adalah unik kerana ia adalah pesawat penumpang yang akan bergerak selaju 2 Mach (2170 km/h), iaitu 2 kali ganda kelajuan bunyi. Namun ia ada satu masalah besar, pergerakan selaju itu akan menghasilkan 'Sonic Boom', sejenis letupan udara (jangan risau, tiada api) akibat pergerakan melampaui kelajuan bunyi, yang akan mengakibatkan kerosakan harta benda dan nyawa jika ia terbang terlalu rendah.

Sejenis pesawat lain akan menggantikan ia, dan yang menariknya ia tidak akan menghasilkan 'Sonic Boom' yang begitu dramatik seperti Concorde, tetapi digantikan dengan 'Sonic Boom' yang lebih kecil dan senyap.

QSST dibina dengan reka bentuk seakan-akan Concorde (untuk melampaui kelajuan bunyi), tetapi bentuknya telah diubahsuai agar tidak menghasilkan bunyi yang kurang enak. Selain itu, faktor rekabentuknya juga memainkan peranan untuk meratakan permukaan yang akan menghasilkan daya angkat (Lift), agar ia tidak hanya bergantung kepada sayap sahaja.

Oh ya, ia berharga USD80 juta.

Puddle of Mud - Blurry

Everything's so blurry
And everyone's so fake
And everybody's empty
And everything is so messed up
Pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
Stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
You could be my sea
You know that I'll protect you
From all of the obscene
I wonder what you're doing
Imagine where you are
There's oceans in between us
But that's not very far

Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
When you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well you shoved it in my face

Everyone is changing
There's no one left that's real
To make up your own ending
And let me know just how you feel
'Cause I am lost without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
Stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
You could be my sea
You know that I will save you
From all of the unclean
I wonder what you're doing
I wonder where you are
There's oceans in between us
But that's not very far

Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
When you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well, you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me

Nobody told me what you thought
Nobody told me what to say
Everyone showed you where to turn
Told you where to run away
Nobody told you where to hide
Nobody told you what to say
Everyone showed you where to turn
Showed you where to run away

Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me

Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me


This pain you gave to me

This pain you gave to me

Take it all away

Take it all away

This pain you gave to me

This pain you gave to me

Take it all away

This pain you gave to me

of Simplicity

as told on tomayko

Jon was a Computer Science major at Ohio State University taking a course in artificial intelligence. The professor had set up an interesting group project where each student was responsible for writing an insect program that would be matched against all the other student's insect programs in a really cool network based insect war simulation environment thing that rocked.

The insect programs had certain constraints set by the professor. Size, shape, speed, and other traits were selected by each student but there were rules such that you couldn't just turn all the dials to full.

Once the basic properties of the insect were fleshed out, code was written to specify how the insect should act. There was an API for determining where your insect was located on the grid, approximating positions of other insects, moving your insect, attacking, rotating, etc. Pretty standard stuff.

The professor decided to pair students up: one smart kid with one dumb kid; the students who were having a hard time in the class would be able to work closely with a student that was excelling. Each student was responsible for their own insect but they were to debate their designs with each other.

Jon was one of the smart kids and was paired with a kid that wanted to change majors. Jon's dumb kid rarely attended class and seemed to dislike CS in general. He wasn't even in class the day the assignment was handed out and so Jon set out on his own to build the coolest and most advanced insect program ever created.

Over the course of a few weeks he burned through code until his insect was capable of responding intelligently to a myriad of changes in environment. It knew to run when outmatched by judging the relative strengths and weaknesses of an opposing insect. It would attempt to strafe and stay behind other insects. It would stay close to corners to reduce the potential attack positions of other insects. It was The Coolest Insect Ever.

The day before the competition, Jon's dumb kid decided to come to class. Jon asked him if he had finished his insect, to which the dumb kid replied he hadn't even started but would finish it that day, *in class*. Jon grinned smugly and tried to explain to the poor fool that he himself had spent all week working on his insect and that it still was not yet complete. The dumb kid shrugged and started in coding something that would get him the damn credit for the project.

Right before the class ended the dumb kid asked Jon to take a look at his insect. Jon had to fight the urge to laugh out loud when he saw that the entire insect was a mere 25 lines of code that barely made it through the compiler and with some lines having no chance of even being executed. The dumb kid had not even configured his insect's basic set of traits but had left them at the professor provided defaults.

Looking more closely, Jon found that the insect was programmed to do the same thing every time it had a turn to move:

1. Rotate 90 degrees.
2. Attack.

Turn and then attack. That's it? Jon asked, to which the dumb kid replied, Do you think I'll pass?

Jon tried to give the dumb kid some ideas on making his insect more advanced but the dumb kid wasn't interested. Jon decided that the dumb kid would most assuredly not pass.

The next day the competition was on. The professor loaded up the simulation program and everyone hooked their insects into the system. The dumb kid was late and then couldn't figure out how to get his insect loaded up. Jon helped him out while mumbling something about futility...

Finally the simulation began and Jon was excited to see his insect perform well through the first full round. In the second round, Jon's insect would get stuck in one of the corners, enter an infinite loop, and be forcefully removed by the professor. One by one all other insects would be killed by other insects or removed by the professor due to logic problems - that is, all but the dumb kid's insect.

As he sat watching the dumb kid's lonely insect turn-and-attack, turn-and-attack, turn-and-attack, as if to mock the whole class, Jon was forced to re-evaluate his definition of cool in relation to computer programs.

of Jython

Jython = Java + Python
Servlet = server applet (maybe :lol:)

Servlet in less than a day

1. Install Java (J2SE/JSE)

2. Install Tomcat (ver 5.0xx)

3. Install jython (ver 2.2)

4. Create these structure (italics = new folder):
- tomcat\webapps\jythondemo
- tomcat\webapps\jythondemo\WEB-INF
- tomcat\webapps\jythondemo\WEB-INF\lib
- tomcat\webapps\jythondemo\WEB-INF\classes

5. Inside jython directory (i.e c:\program files\jython) there's a file named jython.jar, copy that into tomcat\common\lib

6. create a web.xml file in tomcat\webapps\jythondemo\WEB-INF with the following content



7. Create JythonServlet1.py inside tomcat\webapps\jythondemo with the following content:

from javax.servlet.http import HttpServlet

class JythonServlet1 (HttpServlet):
def doGet(self,request,response):
self.doPost (request,response)

def doPost(self,request,response):
toClient = response.getWriter()
response.setContentType ("text/html")
toClient.println ("<html><head><title>Servlet Test</title>" + "<body><h1>Servlet Test</h1></body></html>")

8. Start your Tomcat server

9. go to http://localhost:8080/jythondemo/JythonServlet1


p/s: since it is a matter of drag & drop (somewhat), this can be easily deployed inside a hosting, provided that they support java that is..

of OpenDocument

xxx.odt [46KB] vs xxx.doc[223KB]

ODT bermaksud Open Document Text, yang disokong oleh OSS community.
OpenOffice, KOffice (apa2 selain MS) telah mengikut standard ini.

DOC adalah fail MS Office Word.

Sekali pandang, nampak macam odt lebih baik dari segi saiz. Tapi macam mana odt boleh mengecilkan saiz sehingga 1/5 dari doc?
Kemudian xxx.doc dizipkan (pakai 7zip), ia menjadi 40KB sahaja.

Nampaknya, rahsia (pada orang yang tak pernah baca spec) odt untuk mengecilkan saiz adalah menggunakan zip.. ODT boleh di-unzip-kan, dan akan terdapat satu fail content.xml [333KB].

Jadi, perbandingan sekarang telah menjadi:

xxx.doc.zip[40KB] vs xxx.odt[46KB]
xxx.doc [223KB] vs content.xml[333KB]

nampaknya, ODF telah dikalahkan oleh MS dari segi saiz.

Kesimpulannya, Microsoft memang pakar dalam mempersembahkan data dan info kepada user dalam bentuk yang paling mudah dan memudahkan kepada user.
Sesuatu yang gerakan OSS perlu belajar..

- Saiz amat penting kerana saiz yang kecil akan menjimatkan bandwidth/data transfer dan masa untuk menghantar sesuatu document.

- PDF jangan cerita, saiz memang besar (zip pun tak banyak beza) :lol: