of WMA & MP3

omce upon a time, i used Audacity to convert songs into mp3 (which is time-consuming, lame and tedious).

Then i used lame, i create a batch script and put it inside sys32 (accessible from anywhere)

Then i used Switch, with its fancy GUI and all (a typical [l]user), then it expired, gaaahh..

then i remembered sarin's idea of creating his own mp3 / audio player, using python..
so it mean's pymedia can read / write audio format (not all tho :P)

a little google (more than i expected tho), a viola, a converter script
using pymedia, u can manipulate (read/write)
- mp3, mp2
- wma
- ac3
- ogg
- aac
- avi
- asf
- mpeg1, 2

and i lived happily ever after LOL

p/s : this is kinda a python endorsement -_-


haa, tengah2 browsing ITTutor, tetiba nampak lak topic logo :lol:

senang citer, ni la pendedahan 1st aku kat computer (1st time sentuh keyboard lol), masa tuh darjah 2 lagi sekolah kat Cheras, tak silap aku laa..

aku tak tau LOGO nih buleh dipanggil programming language ke tak, sebab yang aku belajar dulu takat bagi koordinat, pstu cursor (dipanggil turtle) die lukis aa..
bleh lukis garis, kotak2, bulat, ape tah lagi kekekeke..

Introduction yang bagus la untuk belajar programming language..

pstu language lain2 (yang aku try2)
2. html
3. atari clone nyer machine
- jumpa buku je, nak try tak dapat
4. QBASIC (form 4)
5. C++ (UiTM)
6. Java (UiTM)

of Complexity & Superstring

math.. its a shame how little people knows of its use, and even little admires its elegance and beauty..

while searching for uncertainty principle, I stumbled upon the above website
Game of Life, and a new one, NK Boolean Networks

in summation, complexity theory is about how simple rule(s) can yield complex results :

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
  2. Any live cell with more than three neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
  3. Any live cell with two or three neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three neighbours comes to life.
this is an example of Game of Life rules, a mere 4 rules yet it will results in (seemingly) chaotic behaviour of the cells..

It got me thinking, if complexity theory is simplicity --> chaos, then what our physicist are doing with superstring theory is trying to formulate chaos --> simplicity, in other words, we are trying to find those 4 rules that governs our universe (it may be 4, or less, or more..)

then there is this thing called Effective Theory (its a concept, not an actual theory)

take an example of flowing water. We can calculate its characteristics (speed, viscosity, etc) by measuring every single molecule (which is by the billion) and sum it all up..
OR we could just using fluid dynamics calculations (i'm sure its a LOT shorter calculations)
so, in this sense fluid dynamics is the effective theory for, err fluids..

basically, any effective theory requires input (parameters if u may say), then we can have the output/results.. But in 'theory of everything' (the 4 rules) supposedly requires no input AT ALL, we just setup the initial conditions/rules, and voila, out came our universe..

so, superstring theorist are working backwards (in a sense) of complexity theorist (i'm not sure whether this title exist)..

but if u consider game of life (or boolean networks) initial conditions, it is obvious that someone puts the initial dots (or NK) first, then it will come to life, so to speak.
but physicist suggest that the Game of Life will spring to existence from a blank canvas :lol: hence rejecting the idea of a Creator (can a tree randomly reassemble itself to form a chair / table in time??) hey, i'm babbling out of control again :D anyway, all i can say is, if its math, its cool (watch numb3rs?)

and mind you, this is math :D

of Murphy and gender

1) Ziploc Bags are Male, because they hold
everything in, yet you can see right through them.

2) Copiers are Female, because once turned off; it
takes a while to warm them up again. It's an
effective reproductive device if the right buttons
are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons
are pushed.

3) A Tire is Male, because it goes bald and it's
often over-inflated.

4) A Hot Air Balloon is Male, because, to get it
to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under it,
and of course, there's the hot air part.

5) Sponges are Female, because they're soft,
squeezable and retain water.

6) A Web Page is Female, because it's always
getting hit on.

7) A Subway is Male, because it uses the same old
lines to pick people up.

8) An Hourglass is Female, because over time, the
weight shifts to the bottom.

9) A Hammer is Male, because it hasn't changed
much over the last 5,000 years, but it's handy to
have around.

10) A Remote Control is Female. Ha! You thought
it'd be male , didn't you? But consider this - it
gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and
while he doesn't always know the right buttons to
push, he keeps trying!

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some
people appear bright until you hear them speak.

He who laughs last, thinks slowest.

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance
of getting something right, there's a 90%
probability you'll get it wrong.

The things that come to those who wait will be the
things left by those who got there first.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach
a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day
drinking beer.

The shin bone is a device for finding furniture in
a dark room.

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine
for doing well.

When you go into court, you are putting yourself
In the hands of 12 people who weren't smart enough
to get out of jury duty.

of Pretender

the 1st season has finished downloading last week, and i'm enjoying every part of it :lol: (albeit the crappy video compression)

seems to have a few movies (different looking jarod tho)..

there's even a virtual series (currently on season 6), just textual version on fanficweb.

further info : your one and only wikipedia

xcuse me, i'm back to watching the 1st season

ascii art

ascii art - gambar yg dilukis gune character2 (huruf, nombor, etc..)

sbnr nyer lm da ada mnde nih, tp ms main2 kat site ni, br la aku ter pk cmne die buat :lol:

dolu2 pning gak aku pk algo die (ada ke algo pape??)

so, aku *rasa2* sng je buat die..

1. memula2 jd kan gmbo tuh itam putih
2. compare kn kecerahan/intensity grey scale die
3. assign kan satu character berdasarkan kecerahan td
- character tu pon bkn men sekati je nk bbh
- e.g, m > i, q > l, x > c etc..
- kira, satu char tu bbh dlm satu box, pstu kira baper % yg di cover oleh part hitam
4. 1 pixel = 1 char
5. da siap

ni aku rs2 je, kalo salah nsb aa, xbaper penting sgt :lol:

of LHC and supersymmetries

while looking for a file format (.g10, anyone know this?), I stumbled upon a url ended .for
out of curiosity, I opened it and...

I saw something like :

I'm in Heaven, damn it..
yes, I have no idea what the program does, heck didn't even know what language..
but that's not the point

the point is, those filenames are actually names of supersymmetric particle (hence the s)
example : selectron is the counterpart of electron, etc..

AFAIK, if we were to found evidence of these sparticles, String Theory would be at least have some prove, and that is really big (in a sense of The Theory of Everything)..

now, I have some researching todo, excuse me :lol: